Thursday 5 May 2011


4th May Uploading to youtube

We created a youtube account so that we could upload our video onto the internet and could get feedback from various people. The link to our video is

Tuesday 3 May 2011

3rd May

Today we are burning our preliminary task and our main task to DVD so it is ready to be sent of to the exam board. On this DVD we had to write our candidate names and numbers.

Tuesday 5 April 2011

4th April- editing

Today we had a lesson and we completed our film horror opening by adding in the extra bits of sound we needed like the tv sound we got this by going on to free sound and downloading it. we will now ask an audience about our horror opening just to get some feedback maybe they might change our minds about some of the stuff we have done and we may need to play around abit mnore with our footage.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

29th March- Creating Titles.

Today we carried on adding titles into our opening, putting them over different frames with names such as actors names, director and producer. We spaced them out over different frames and by using two different colours (black & white) to create more of a sense of threat.

28th March- Creating Titles

Today as we was happy with the footage we had edited together already we decided to start creating our titles to go in our opening. We decided on a production company name and made a title for it using the program LiveType, we experimented with different effects that made it look like a horror film title. We then started to add actors names over the frames of our opening.

21st March- Editing

Today our group carried on putting a range of shots together in our opening, using a range of extreme close ups and long shots. These shots all go together in a way of showing our character getting ready to go meet her boyfriend, using close up shots showing her putting on make-up and long shots of her getting her jacket on. We also used shots like low angled shots and high angled shots to show a sense of threat and that someone is watching her.