Wednesday 29 September 2010

history of horror films 29th september

In todays lesson we were told to reasearch and right about the history of horror films.

Downloading from the camera to the macs 27th september

In this double lesson it was split up into two parts one was half of us were with Mr Henton learning how to download footage from the Canon Legira cameras on to the mac's and the second part was half of us went with the cameras around school practising to use the cameras and the different camera angles and techniques.
In the part of the lesson were we learned how to download footage from the cameras to the macs we were also taught some transitions and effects that we could use on final cut this is good because if we use them on our preliminary task it will make it look more interesting.

Intruducing final cut 22nd september

In our school, KBA we use the Final Cut Express program to edit. In the lesson we were taught the basics of the the program so we could start to play about with it to get used to it so when it comes to our preliminary task we will be clear on how to use it. We were given a link which we could go on to see further instructions on how to use it to develop our skills.

using the video cameras 20th september

In our lesson on the 20th september we learned how to use the Canon Legira video cameras and the tripods which we have in school, So that we can use them in the future to film our preliminary task.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

my first post

So far in my media studies course i have created my blog in which i can now post what i have done in lessons to keep track, i have created a slideshare account so i can now post slideshows on my blog. In the past few lessons i have been taught a range of different camera shots, angles and movements which i can use in my prelimanary task which ive also been told about and am actually planning at the minute with my group which consists of Stephanie Smith, Chloe Robinson and myself.