Saturday 9 October 2010

Monday 6th October wrong turn opening

In the lesson we watched the first 5 minutes of a film called wrong turn.

For our homework we have to write about this opening explaining the visual and audio effects.
Wrong turn opening
In the opening of Wrong turn the visual effects that are used to scare the audience are at the beggining of the opening where it is a birds eye view of this wooded and isolated area so this gives us the impression that there alone and this gives us an idea that something is going to happen. The next is when the two people are climbing up the wall the camera is looking down at them this gives the audience and idea that some thing is there looking down on them.

Other camera angle that are used are when the girl is looking up at the boy when he's reached the top this camera angle is called a point of view shot, a hand held camera shot is used and a close up.

There is a chase scene in this opening and a hand help camera is used during this shot to make the audience feel what the acter is feeling whilst being chased. Chase scenes are used to make the audience scared of whats chassing the actor.

Quick cutting and false scares are very good visual effects when making a horror film because quick cutting gives the effect of a build up to the actual scare and makes the audience feel anxious about whats gonna happen, and false scares are used to make the audience feel a little bit at ease so the false scare happens and then they know that after it the real scare will come it also keeps the audience on the edge of there seats.

audio effects
these are used to build up tension and keep the audience waitiong. They use audio effects by one building up the music as it gets closer to the scare two they enhance the sounds of things that are happening in that scene and three you normall here something on horror films before you see it.

Some examples of where these audio effects are used is when the boy is slamed to the ground his body as it falls it makes a jumpy thud noise but this noise is enhanced to make the audience jump so its actually louder than it would be. When we see his body hanging over the cliff we hear the blood drip off him before we see it land on her this effect is used to make the audience wonder where the noise is coming from.

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